Rona Pollak
Sacred Contracts and Archetypes have become my life, I never imagined when we first met that there would be an endless love and bonding between us. To me, the archetypes are exciting, intriguing, captivating and fascinating. It doesn’t surprise me that they guide me to a deep understanding, acceptance and compassion towards myself and the world. They help me see my strengths and weaknesses, as well as, what I’m good at and what’s not me. They help me feel comfortable with my decisions and how I choose to live my life.
Only when I look back at how I was introduced to Caroline Myss and Sacred Contracts, do I understand that it was subconsciously granted to me by the two amazing teachers I have in my life.
My first teacher (A Jungian psychotherapist) brought the Archetype cards to class one day and I could not keep my eyes off of them. Three years later my second life teacher (A Clinical Psychologist and SE Practitioner) suggested that I read “Anatomy of the Spirit.” When buying the book, I felt that the name of the author was familiar to me. I ran home to google Caroline Myss and to my surprise the Archetype cards, that I felt a magnetic pull towards, were right there before me again. Within minutes I signed up for the Sacred Contacts courses. These were the most enjoyable studies I have ever dived into.
I am proud to be an official CMED archetypal consultant!
Since that day 3 years ago, I have been on my own archetypal journey that never ceases to surprise me.
I am priviledged to offer you to go on your Archetypal Journey with me.
To find out the different paths we can travel together, please contact me at:
Rona Pollak
WhatsApp +972-544-520889
Messenger: Rona Pollak
Skype: ronapollak
Email: [email protected]
*I work Worldwide on Zoom.
A little about me …
Besides being a certified Archetypal Consultant, I am an integrative Jungian group facilitator, A Puppet Therapist; I’m an assistant teacher in an annual Trauma course “The body Remembers”
I work with children and adults trough Movement, Art, Creativity, Somatic work, Puppetry, Oracle and Archetypes